Original watercolor 12x12"professionally matted with archival materials.
About the painting:
2021.Plants! These are widely available Florida native species that support a large variety of insects, birds and other wildlife. Planting these species is one option for creating a nature friendly landscape! Imitating the structure and species makeup of habitats native to your area is another great way to go but requires a bit of learning.Plant species:-gumbo limbo (reddish trunk)-live oak (brown trunk and leaves on top right)-saw palmetto (middle, with fruit and inflorescence on the right)-wild coffee (middle bottom)-twinberry (On the left with tiny white flowers)-coontie (added for Pinecrest Garden’s beloved atalas!)Critter species:-Florida flycatcher (gumbo limbo)-squirrel and blue jay (oak)-monk and palmetto skippers (palmetto)-bees (palmetto inflorescence)-zebra butterfly and catbird (coffee)-atala butterfly (coontie)-monarch butterflyIt’s an illustration for the exciting Pinecrest Gardens, Upper Garden trail signs! Its a new garden focused on inclusivity for children of varying abilities with a significant focus on autism sprectrum children. It has a playground, petting zoo, learning garden and a new multipurpose building known as the "Inspiration Center." The signs are for a nature trail focused on backyard nature in south Florida and building habitat for various native animals
Florida Native Plants, framed original watercolor
Original watercolor painting on Fabriano Artistico cold press natural paper.
Matted and framed at Atlantik Art and Framing in Boca Raton
UV protection, non-glare museum glass
Wire hanger on back