From June 23rd through August 26th my work is being shown at the beautiful tropical botanical garden and historic building, The Kampong in Coconut Grove! This is such a wonderful place to celebrate art and plants. I was floored at what cool architecture and art was around every corner. It's the historic home of the David Fairchild, whose family
collected art and tropical plants from around the world.
Read more about Florida Naturally Wild, including how to visit, here: https://ntbg.org/events/florida-naturally-wild/
All work from the show is for sale through my website, with a portion going to support the Kampong, here: https://www.kimheise.com/shop-originals
Images of the art in the space!:
Images from the opening on June 23rd:
Images of the building and gardens! It's located on Biscayne Bay: