Happy Mothers day! Tomorrow I'm making some calls to urge our representatives to protect the Florida panther and people of South Florida from oil drilling! Big Cypress is a federally protected preserve and the main habitat of the endangered Florida panther, but the Collier family owns the “mineral rights” under the ground and they have leased the rights to Burnet Oil in Texas who have applied to build oil drilling pads and roads in the preserve. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection has until May 12th to make a decision on whether to allow the oil drilling. Thank you to the South Florida Wildlands Association for putting out this call to action.
Here are 4 representatives to call or email and put the pressure on!:
-Tom Forsyth (superintendent for Big Cypress) 239-695-2000 or thomas_forsyth@nps.gov
- Florida DEP 850-245-2043 or Jon.Iglehart@dep.state.fl.us or Mary.Yeargan@dep.state.fl.us
- Deborah Haaland (secretary of the Department of the Interior) 202-208-3100 or feedback@ios.doi.gov
- Nicolas Douglas 202-208-4201 or ndouglas@blm.gov
Thanks for your help!
The image in this graphic is from a large painting I've had on the back burner for a loooong time! I'm excited to have time to get started on it again in the next few weeks :)