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Watercolors of Florida native plants and animals

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Artist statement 

I'm a watercolor artist who paints Florida native plants and animals, and I hope my work inspires people to know, love and protect local nature. The delicacy of watercolor helps me to capture intricate details, and to depict native species with beauty and scientific accuracy. My work often depicts the relationships between plants and animals, and features endangered or lesser-known species. I start by exploring natural areas, taking lots of reference photos, learning, and connecting with others. 

I'm passionate about Florida environmental conservation and collaboration, and I often work with others on projects with conservation goals. I've helped create coloring books, trail signs, maps, logos, zines, trail guides, public murals and other resources. I have a special interest in painting native plants, and the important relationships between plants and animals. I also give presentations and workshops which allow me to further share my love of the South Florida environment and draw attention to conservation. 


I was born in 1990 and grew up in Broward County, where I developed a love for art and Florida's natural areas. I was a teaching artist for 12 years at museums, preschools and afterschools. In my 20's I struggled with chronic pain, injuries and strange symptoms. My limited mobility led me to pick up watercolor and eventually fall in love with it. I was diagnosed with EDS in 2020 and am now mostly pain free and mobile, but the condition has a big impact on my life and work.

I studied painting at FAU and graduated with a BFA in 2014. I then picked up watercolor and began to focus on Florida native species and conservation issues. An event that catalyzed my interest in local conservation was Rally for the Rocklands in 2016, a movement to stop a Walmart from being built over globally imperiled Miami Pine Rocklands habitat. I painted the endangered Pine Rockland species there and created resources with others to help raise awareness about the issue. That Walmart eventually got built, but I continued to paint Florida native species to help raise awareness about the biodiversity we have here in South Florida and local conservation needs. (In 2023 there was another development planned for the Miami Pine Rocklands, but this time the community won and successfully protected the habitat! I've noticed that the work of many individuals and conservation groups throughout South Florida has vastly increased awareness and support of Florida conservation over the years, and that gives me a lot of hope.)

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